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When it comes to renting a property, one of the most important legal documents that both tenants and landlords need to sign is the tenancy agreement. In Malaysia, it is a requirement for tenancy agreements to be stamped with the relevant authorities. As such, it`s crucial to understand the tenancy agreement stamping fees calculator to ensure you`re aware of the costs associated with renting a property.

Stamp duty is a tax levied by the Malaysian government on legal documents that are required by law and stamping a tenancy agreement is a compulsory requirement under the law. The tenancy agreement stamping fees calculator helps you calculate the cost of stamping the agreement and ensures that you know how much it will cost to have the agreement legally recognized.

The stamp duty for tenancy agreements varies depending on the length of the rental period and the rental amount. For rental periods of up to three years, the stamp duty is calculated based on the monthly rental amount multiplied by the total number of months of the rental period. For example, if the monthly rental amount is RM1000 and the rental period is 12 months, the stamp duty payable is RM120.

For rental periods exceeding three years, it`s calculated based on a fixed amount that is determined by the state government. The stamp duty for these agreements must also be paid upfront for the entire tenancy period, at the time of stamping.

It`s crucial to note that not stamping a tenancy agreement can have dire consequences. In the event that the tenancy agreement is not stamped, neither the landlord nor the tenant will be able to use this agreement in court should a dispute arise. Failure to stamp the tenancy agreement may also lead to legal action being taken against the landlord.

In conclusion, the tenancy agreement stamping fees calculator provides tenants and landlords with a clear understanding of the costs associated with renting a property. It`s essential to ensure that the agreement is stamped as required by law to avoid any legal issues that may arise. Understanding the tenancy agreement stamping fees calculator is an important step in the rental process, and both parties should be aware of the costs and implications of not complying with the law.