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An agreement becomes a contract if MCQ: Understanding the Basics

When two or more parties come together and reach an agreement, it is often believed to be a contract. However, an agreement does not necessarily become a contract if certain criteria are not met. In this article, we will be discussing the concept of an agreement and what makes it a legally binding contract, using the acronym MCQ.

Agreement – A Definition

An agreement is the meeting of two or more minds with a common intention to perform or abstain from performing a particular act. It is an offer made by one person and an acceptance made by another which forms a mutual understanding between the two parties. For example, when you buy a product online, you agree to the terms and conditions set by the website. In this case, you have entered into an agreement with the website and are bound by the terms of the agreement.

An Agreement becomes a Contract if MCQ

The term MCQ stands for Mutual Consideration, Competency, and Quid Pro Quo. These three elements are essential for an agreement to become a legally binding contract.

Mutual Consideration

Consideration refers to the mutual exchange of something of value between the parties to the agreement. It can be in the form of money, goods, services, or even a promise to perform some act. For example, if you agree to buy a car from someone, you are providing money as consideration, while the seller is providing the car.


For an agreement to become a contract, the parties involved must be legally competent to enter into the agreement. This means that they must be of legal age, have the mental capacity to understand the terms of the agreement, and be free from any undue influence or pressure.

Quid Pro Quo

Quid pro quo is a Latin phrase that means „something for something.“ It refers to the equal exchange of consideration between the parties to the agreement. In other words, both parties must receive something in return for their promises. For example, when you buy a product online, you provide consideration in the form of money, while the website provides the product or service.


In conclusion, an agreement becomes a contract if MCQ – Mutual Consideration, Competency, and Quid Pro Quo are present. Each of these elements is critical to the formation of a legally binding contract. By understanding the basics of these concepts, you can ensure that your agreements are enforceable and legally binding.