The region argues that for almost all workers, with the exception of those already at the top of their current pay scale, an additional step increase of 2.6 per cent per year would be added, representing an average wage increase per worker of 9.2 per cent on the five-year contract. Conciliation dates are scheduled for February 8 and 9. The union is also working on separate collective agreements with the Hay River Health and Social Services Authority and the NWT Power Corporation, both of which are scheduled for further mediation meetings during the same week. The document states that GNWT employees will obtain under the terms of the collective agreement: „The proposed collective agreement would, on average, result in an increase in total compensation of approximately $22,000 over the duration of the collective agreement. Some of this data goes back to the past, as both sides are still negotiating a collective agreement that should have come into force in 2016. Union leader Todd Parsons said in October that its members would not be offered „wage increases that keep pace with inflation“ and called GNWT`s offer „unheard of and insulting and totally disrespectful.“ „It is misleading to claim that the economic increases reflect the total wage increases for GNWT employees,“ the territory government document states. Cabin Radio addressed the Northern Workers Union to make a statement. Moreover, „economic growth – where the Union and the territory do not agree – „allows for a general increase in wage networks“. Any worker who does not yet earn the maximum wage for his work „generally receives a gradual increase that increases his salary by 2.6 percent per year,“ according to the state government. Full: Read the territory government document on the payment of NWT politicians do not receive a step increase, says the document.
Two days of discussions with an independent mediator, Vince Ready, were unable to resolve their differences in October. The collective agreement has expired and is currently being renegotiated by the Alberta government and the Alberta Provincial Employees Association. As a result, printed copies of the agreement are not currently distributed. You can view the agreement in the following pages. Otherwise, you`ll find here a PDF file of the full agreement. At the beginning of February, two more days of negotiations are proposed. A collective agreement has been reached between the Northern Workers Union (UNW) and the Government of the Northwest Territories. This agreement enters into force from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2021. The bold highlight is the changes to the old collective agreement. The region also opposed the proposal for GWGs to receive a better wage increase than agricultural workers.
In the case of GNWT, there are two types of wage increases: a gradual increase and an economic increase. „For each employee, this amount would vary depending on salary level and step, which would exclude any salary increase that would result from obtaining a promotion over a five-year period.“ The region has made its latest offer of UNW adaptations „… Problems related to humanitarian organizations, layoffs, mental health, extended parental leave and extended leave for survivors of domestic violence.
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