Unless otherwise stated, the following forms are available in PDF format to download. If you need another format, please contact the webmaster at dcmga.webmaster@gmail.com. www.google.com/search?q=texas+a%26m+Agrilife+Extension+Logos&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS751US751&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjSyb7E4-TXAhVHYiYKHZJ7ARwQsAQIPg&biw=1366&bih=662 AgriLife Extension Volunteer Application Form To request permission for a class or event for continuing education credits, please complete the form below. You will receive an email confirmation of your application. Once the application has been reviewed, you will be informed of the EC credit decision. To apply for a DCMGA scholarship to cover the cost of Master Gardener Advanced (formerly known as a specialist) please fill out the form below. You will receive an email confirmation of your application. Once the application has been reviewed, you will be informed of the award decision. Please refer to the DCMGA scholarship manual. Important note: These work forms are provided only for your personal registration. Use VMS to submit your hours for official registration, unless otherwise stated.
Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certification Form Master Gardeners: The 2021 Annual Volunteer Agreement for Experienced Master Gardeners and those who completed their training in 2020 is part of the annual membership renewal form below. Project Management Presentation and Project Table: Approved logos from the Texas Master Gardeners Association and the Texas A-M AgriLife Extension Logos are available on this site: Link to: Texas A-M AgriLife Extension Logos New Master Gardener Trainees: the annual volunteer agreement for the new Master Gardener Trainees is available below for printing and signing. Voluntary Application Form and Consent for Criminal History Examination Certified master gardeners are required every three years to submit a volunteer application and consent for the criminal history examination form.
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