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17 A lessor may require, in accordance with this law and regulations, that a tenant must pay a surety as a condition for the conclusion of a tenancy agreement or as the term of a tenancy agreement. For a fixed term – Rent for a specified period (for example. B a year, a month or a week). The lease cannot be terminated before the scheduled date, except in three cases: both parties agree in writing; there are special circumstances, for example.B. the tenant is fleeing domestic violence or the tenant has been considered in need of care or has been admitted to a long-term care facility; or as ordered by an arbitrator. Learn more about ending a temporary life for domestic violence or long-term care. 3. If a lessor has not complied with an essential time limit of the tenancy agreement and has not corrected the situation within a reasonable time after written notification from the tenant of the default, the tenant may terminate the lease with effect at the time of receipt of the landlord`s notification. 13 (1) The lessor must prepare in writing any lease agreement concluded on January 1, 2004.

(f) the previous or future rent must be reduced by an amount equivalent to an impairment of a tenancy agreement; Some tenancy conditions are negotiated between the tenant and the lessor: (2) A tenant has the right to terminate a temporary rent under this section if a declaration is made pursuant to Section 45.2 [Confirmation of Authorization] one of the following confirmations: (4) Instead of imposing a penalty under Point 1, the Director may, subject to the rules, enter into an agreement with the person who would otherwise be responsible for the sanction. (2) Subject to Section 51 [Rent Allowance: Section 49 Communication], a landlord may terminate a tenancy agreement (d) the landlord and tenant have agreed in writing that the tenancy agreement will be terminated. Tenants who prematurely terminate a temporary rent due to domestic violence or long-term care must provide the landlord with a copy of this form, which has been completed by an authorized third-party controller. „rental agreement“: a written or oral, explicit or tacit agreement between a landlord and a tenant, which respects the possession of a rental unit, the use of public services and facilities, and a licence to occupy a rental unit; (a)1) the requirement of the circumstances in which a lessor may include in a fixed-term tenancy agreement the obligation for the tenant to evacuate a rental unit at the end of the period; 2. Subject to paragraph (3), the lessor or, if applicable, the buyer who has asked the lessor to notify the lessor, must pay the tenant, in addition to the amount to be paid under paragraph 1, an amount equivalent to 12 times the monthly rent payable in the tenancy agreement; If 48 (1) A lessor may terminate a tenant`s lease employed as a janitor, administrator or superintendent of the residential property to which the rental unit belongs by notifying us of the termination of the lease, if you can send us questions, comments or comments (3) by e-mail, the lessor must inform the tenant of a copy of the contract within 21 days of the conclusion of a lease agreement. At the end of the term of a fixed-term lease, landlords and tenants may accept another limited term or the lease continues from month to month. Rent can only be increased between fixed-term leases with the same tenant, if the terms of termination and time for rent increases are met: fixed-term contracts offer less flexibility than monthly ten-hours contracts. If you have to terminate your lease prematurely – also known as „lease break“ – you may owe some money to your landlord.