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Please note that SOLT members use uk Theatre agreements and awards. You can find them on the UK Theatre website. Equity is a union of 48,000 employees in the entertainment industry. Some of them have never worked on the West End agreement for performers and stage managers (and never will) because they are directors or designers, and they are working on another union arrangement, or because they are part of our 10,000 variety members – comedians, burlesque performers, cabaret artists, etc. No union recommends a deterioration of business conditions lightly. In this case, we are doing it because we have reached the limit of the concessions that we have been able to obtain from SOLT. Their initial proposals from Equity regarding the changes they wanted to make to the agreement were far worse than the final position we are now presenting to members. SOLT originally wanted to change the category of theatre according to the contracts issued, reduce payments over time, order liability payments by rate and include it in the high proportional minimum. What you are voting on now is the smallest set of variations SOLT needs to encourage its producers to return to work in our West End theatres. This latest updated agreement came into force in April 2017 (updated January 2019) musicians engaged in theatrical productions. There is a separate agreement on the work of the United Kingdom. ( This is the union`s standard voting policy, as agreed by our stage committee and the Council – the two groups of members that you elect every two years to make decisions like this.

3) I am not a member of Equity, but I am working on this agreement. Why don`t I have a say? The majority of equity members will not vote on this agreement, and some will be very convinced that they should be able to vote – either because they have not yet worked on the West End agreement, but they could very well work in the next year, or because they have a west end experience, but outside the parameters that we have set for the vote – that is, those who have worked on the west end agreement over the three years from 5 October 2020. The SOLT/Equity agreement is renegotiated every four years. The last „normal“ negotiations took place in early 2019 and, on that date, each member who participated in the agreement prior to the renegotiation was involved in the priorities of our claim and then obtained a vote. In 2023, when the agreement is negotiated next time, each member who has worked on the SOLT/Equity West End agreement will be questioned and put to a vote when negotiations are completed. Equity chose its Equal Race Committee for 2020-2023 SOLT wrote in June of this year to Equity and outlined the changes they wanted to make to the West End agreement to facilitate the gradual reopening of productions in the West End. Members of parliament from all West End broadcasts that closed on March 16 are in almost constant communication with union staff. It is understandable that there is a great concern about the ability of members to live in London on a reduced salary, especially after the commission of agents, VAT, neither, etc. We want to make it clear that rating as a temporary measure is very important and is only intended for a short period of time.

Employers will not be able to maintain production on 5 shows per week. The goal is to allow the employer to start for a short period of time with fewer shows for the sole purpose of reviving a production and getting people back to work earlier. We are aware of a number of concerns and issues in light of the ongoing vote on changes to the SOLT/Equity agreement to perform and Stage Manager in the West End.