The Asian Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network (AECEN) is an agreement between 16 Asian countries dedicated to improving cooperation with environmental legislation in Asia. These include Cambodia, China, Indonesia, India, Maldives, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, the Philippines, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and the Lao PDR. [27] Common but differentiated responsibilities. Given their different contributions to global environmental degradation, countries have common but different responsibilities. So far, while scientific advances have contributed to the well-being and comfort of humanity, they have also had a significant negative impact on the global environment. These consequences have recently attracted the attention of developed and developing countries, and the world has joined forces in its efforts to address the challenge of global environmental degradation, including climate change. In 1990, the Copenhagen-based European Environment Agency (EEA) was established to support the development, implementation and evaluation of environmental policy and to inform the public about the issue. This EU agency (open to non-EU countries) is responsible for obtaining robust and independent information on the environment situation and prospects. It therefore collects, manages and analyses data and coordinates the European Environment Observatory (Eionet).
To help policy makers make informed decisions and develop environmental laws and policies, the EU is also implementing the European Earth Observation Programme (Copernicus), which covers land, maritime policy, atmosphere and climate change, among others. With regard to pollutants emitted into air, water and land, as well as the transfer of waste and pollutants into wastewater out of water, the European Register of Pollutant Releases and Transfers (E-PRTR) provides important environmental data from more than 30,000 industrial facilities in the EU, as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway Serbia and Switzerland. The register is available free of charge to the public on the Internet. In the international context, the precautionary principle obliges a state to act in the face of scientific uncertainty, to take measures to protect the natural environment. 25 The polluter pays principle is implemented by the Environmental Responsibility Directive, which aims to prevent or repair environmental damage to protected species or to natural habitats, water and soil. Operators of certain professional activities, such as the transport of hazardous substances or activities that involve release into the water, must take preventive measures in the event of a direct threat to the environment.
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