Agreement of Verb: Examples and Tips for Correct Usage
The agreement of verb is an essential grammar rule that deals with the relationship between the subject and the verb in a sentence. It simply means that the verb must agree with the subject in terms of number and person. In this article, we will delve deeper into the agreement of verb and provide examples and tips for correct usage.
Subject-Verb Agreement Examples
The following examples illustrate the agreement of verb in different scenarios:
1. Singular subject and singular verb
The cat meows loudly.
In this sentence, the subject „cat“ is singular, and the verb „meows“ is also singular. They agree in number.
2. Plural subject and plural verb
The dogs bark at the mailman.
In this sentence, the subject „dogs“ is plural, and the verb „bark“ is also plural. They agree in number.
3. Compound subject and singular verb
My sister and best friend plays volleyball together.
In this sentence, the compound subject „my sister and best friend“ is singular, but the verb „plays“ is singular, which is incorrect. The verb should be plural: „play.“
4. Compound subject and plural verb
My sister and best friend play volleyball together.
In this corrected sentence, the compound subject „my sister and best friend“ is plural, and the verb „play“ is plural. They agree in number.
5. Indefinite pronouns and singular/plural verb
Everyone loves ice cream.
In this sentence, the indefinite pronoun „everyone“ is singular, and the verb „loves“ is also singular. They agree in number. The same rule applies to other indefinite pronouns such as „anyone,“ „someone,“ and „everyone.“
6. Collective nouns and singular/plural verb
The team is excited about the game.
In this sentence, the collective noun „team“ is singular, and the verb „is“ is also singular. They agree in number. However, if the focus is on the individual members of the team, the verb should be plural: „The team are all wearing their uniforms.“
Tips for Correct Usage of Verb Agreement
Here are some tips to help you use verb agreement correctly:
1. Identify the subject of the sentence and determine whether it is singular or plural. This step is crucial in ensuring that the verb agrees in number with the subject.
2. Be mindful of compound subjects. If the compound subject is joined by „and,“ it is usually plural. If it is joined by „or“ or „nor,“ the verb should agree with the noun closest to it.
3. Keep an eye out for indefinite pronouns and collective nouns. These can be tricky to deal with, but as a general rule, use a singular verb with indefinite pronouns and collective nouns that function as a single unit. Use a plural verb with collective nouns that emphasize individual members.
4. Don`t be swayed by prepositional phrases or other words between the subject and the verb. They do not affect the agreement between the two.
In summary, the agreement of verb is an essential aspect of grammar that helps ensure clarity and accuracy in writing. By being mindful of the subject-verb agreement rules and tips outlined in this article, you can improve your writing and avoid common pitfalls.
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