That`s why Suffolk County Council is now responsible for answering local research questions. Contact the Suffolk County Council Land Charges team on 01473 264190 or e-mail Copy Section 38 Agreements and Bond – Please contact: if you need a copy On April 1, 2013, all motorway features previously performed by Ipswich Borough Council as part of an agency agreement were referred to Suffolk County Council. To apply for a Section 38 agreement, please download the full S38 licence application form and complete it (Word, 58KB – Updated on 28.05.2020). Fill out the form electronically to make sure your application is as clear as possible and send it as a Word document (an electronic signature is acceptable). Please also provide supporting documents and plans electronically, if necessary due to file size, either zipped or with a cloud link, z.B Dropbox. . All applications must be accompanied by a plan with the property in red with an address or description of the land. WE WILL NOT PROVIDE INFORMATION ABOUT MOTORWAYS VIA TELEPHONE. . The Covid-19 Crowd Density app will help better enforce covid-19 socialization rules by using cameras to give officials an insight into when and where people congregate.
A1 – If the information is not recorded, our highway record team must conduct research to determine the scope considered. The charge varies depending on the length of the highway front required. Please note that for requests requiring an investigation, this may take between 3 and 8 weeks, depending on the research effort and available resources. The ADEPT SMART Places program is a five-year project designed to study and develop innovation to enable the deployment of innovative and digital technologies across the local motorway network. The first research report „Digital Innovation: The Way to The Highway Systems of the Future“ was published in October 2017. In January 2019, ADEPT received $22.9 million from the Ministry of Transport for Phase 3 of the program, which developed eight individual Live Labs projects, led by local authorities with higher education and private sector partners. Live Labs innovate in the fields of SMART communication, transportation, highway maintenance, energy, materials and mobility. The ADEPT SMART Places program was developed with partners: the activities of SNC-Lavalins Atkins, EY, Kier, O2, Ringway and WSP. Under the Highways Act 1980, Ipswich Borough Council and Suffolk County Council must provide a free copy of the Highway Registry for inspection. Don`t hesitate to call the customer service centre if you want to check it out. 3.2 Land for RoadWorks3.4 Near CIMCON`s NearSky Smart City Platform road projects, which are to be used on urban, rural and coastal roads to develop new national standards Question 22.1-3 Common and City or Village Green To help, please download the CCS Guidance for Full S38 Applications (Word, 26KB). A1 – Plan with the perimeter taken into account of motorways and supposed roads, which can be borne at public expense; if records are available.
Air quality sensors will enable officers to continuously measure key air pollutants in real time, ensuring that they make informed decisions about outdoor activities, alert residents in times of air quality hazards, and monitor sources of pollution such as industrial facilities. The application to measure road temperature with non-invasive sensors will provide a local and accurate overview of surface temperature and advise the Council on when crumpled trucks should be used to protect drivers.
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